Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Beginning! :)

This is me before i have had any work done. I am 2 weeks away from my first operation to get ready for my jaw surgery! 

I am having 5 teeth removed including all 4 of my wisdom teeth, the other tooth is my front bottom tooth which has been damaged by my previous braces. They are going to close the gap with more braces before my actual jaw surgery. 

My bottom jaw is 12mm back from where it should be, so i have a 12mm overbite!! Which is pretty big as you can see my the photo my lips don't meet properly. 

After my wisdom teeth have been removed i will be having train tracks which will align my teeth so they line up once my jaw has been repositioned. During my jaw surgery they are going to break my jaw and move it forward, once they have it in the right place they will put metal plates in to hold the jaw in its new position. My surgeon also said that they are going to shave some bone from my chin so that my chin won't protrude as much when my lower jaw is brought forward. This will make my profile look normal otherwise i would have a witch's chin!! They will do this whilst i am having my jaw surgery. 

I will update again on the day of my first surgery, yes i am scared! :S