Monday 5 September 2016

10 Weeks (ish) post opp


I'm really not very good a keeping a blog! If anyone is following my journey i apologize for not updating sooner.

OK so everything is going great! No problems to report so far! I still have some numbness in my chin but to be honest i dont really notice it! My nerves are also still coming round so i have some sensitivity in my gums at times and a few aches in my jaw where the bone is still healing (takes 3 months apparently!). Other than that i'm really happy with everything! 

My bite is still in line and my braces are still moving my teeth into the correct position! Not sure if i mentioned in a previous post but i am getting elastics on my next appointment (yay :/) to help align everything! 

Other than that there is nothing to report! Hope you all had a good summer!

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