Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 2 post operation
So this is an update on what happened on Wednesday which was day 2 after surgery, as i said in the previous post i woke up at 4:30 in pain yet again! I did manage to get back to sleep after my breakfast but only for a few hours.

During the day i was absolutely fine, the only thing bothering me was the fact i still couldn't feel my tongue! The swelling has gone down a little so i didn't look as fat as i did yesterday! I started bleeding slightly from my bottom right wound but it was only a little every now and again so i wasn't too worried.

I decided to call the hospital to ask about my tongue and they said it was normal but if i still couldn't feel it by Monday then i should go to the doctor. I managed to eat some spaghetti on toast for lunch which was amazing! Then for tea i had chicken kiev's and baked beans which was OK.

I decided to try and spread my medication out a bit more so that it would last through the night, so i took 2 paracetamol literally just before i went to sleep. So hopefully i could get a good nights sleep!

Day 3 post operation
I slept!!! I went to bed at around 11:30pm, it took me a while to get to sleep but in the end i didn't wake up until 8:30am! My first lie in since my surgery! I still couldn't feel my tongue though which is really starting to annoy me! 

I managed to walk up town with my grandma and say hello to my work friends. A few people saw me and asked how i was which was nice, i liked being out and about again. We got home and i sat down to chill before lunch and i suddenly didn't feel good! I started feeling really spaced out and sick, so i took a little half hour nap to see if that would help but it didn't! I got up for lunch and my grandma had made me spaghetti on toast like yesterday but i couldn't eat hardly any of it! The back of my throat really hurt and i couldn't focus on anything because i felt really spaced out. The problem was i was really hungry and my stomach hurt because i was taking so many pain killers and not eating enough to counteract them! I had a bit of a cry at the tea table and decided i felt like eating a big tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream! So my amazing grandma and sister walked up town and got me some! 

My spaced out feeling wore off eventually and i am starting to feel OK again, for tea i managed to eat an omelet and a few chips which was good. I can now open my mouth wider than before and my teeth aren't as tender as they were yesterday, so hopefully i will have a good nights sleep tonight and feel even better tomorrow!  

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