Saturday 16 August 2014

Day 4 post operation

Well today is Friday and my swelling has gone down again, still cant feel my tongue which is still worrying me! I managed to sleep again last night which was good and i am able to move my jaw alot more now :) 
The only problem i had today was that i had a mental breakdown because i was fed up with not being able to eat properly! I had a big cry because i was hungry but i didn't want to eat anything because i couldn't taste it! i don't enjoy eating at the moment and it all just got to me and i broke down :') But i got over it and ended up getting and Indian takeaway which i managed to eat a little of. 

In the evening my swelling came down a bit more and i noticed a small hard lump on the outside of my jaw, i looked it up and it could be an infection so i am keeping an eye on it. I am going to the doctors on Monday so hopefully its nothing serious :S 

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