Thursday 11 December 2014

Braces fitted

Wednesday 10th December 2014

Well on Wednesday I had my braces fitted, it didn't hurt but it wasn't exactly comfortable!

I chose to have red bands on my braces to look Christmassy! :)

That day my teeth ached a lot and I found it hard to eat much because my teeth were so tender!


My teeth still hurt! I managed to sleep though because its more of a dull ache pain than an excruciating one! My braces are rubbing against my lips so I have used the wax they gave me to cover up the metal brackets that were causing me trouble! And I have put bongela over the sores :)

I have another appointment on February 11th 2015 to have them tightened and they said I should have to wear these for at least a year before I have my surgery!

I will update again when I have anymore news (which could be a while) but have a lovely Christmas everyone :)

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