Monday 6 July 2015

6th May 2015

Hi! I haven't posted in a while as nothing has really happened!

I have had at least 3 braces adjustments now and on Wednesday they are moving the brace so it is on my back teeth to make sure they are in line.

At one of my appointments they put an elastic band in to close the gap in my bottom teeth where I had the dead tooth removed, so my gap is now getting smaller.

At my last appointment I asked them if I could not have my surgery until after May 2016 as I have a prior commitment, which they said was fine. So I will most likely be having my surgery in June 2016 2 months before my 21st birthday!!

Scary stuff! Well that's pretty much it, I will probably not post anything until 2016 now, so merry Christmas and a happy New Year! :)

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