Monday 11 April 2016

Surgery Date!

Hi, Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Not a lot has happened until recently! 

I now have my surgery date - 6th June 2016! So just under 2 months away. 

I have several appointment before hand to get me ready for the surgery, i have 1 tomorrow which will consist of moulds and photographs being taken. Then i have another appointment on Thursday for a CT Scan - apparently this is so they can create a digital version of my surgery so they can see what the finished product will be. 

My last appointment before my surgery is 2 weeks before hand, this is to see my surgeon and he is going to make sure a plate fits in my mouth (its called a surgical plate which helps him line up my teeth in surgery). Then after that it will be my surgery!!

I am beyond nervous and scared, which i think is normal given the situation. My surgeon said that the surgery will take about 2 -2 and a half hours to complete and they will be just working on my lower jaw and chin. He said i will be in hospital for a maximum of 2 days and i will need about 6 weeks off work. He also said he doesn't think he will need to wire my jaw shut which is a bonus!

So i wont be posting anything else until probably the day of my surgery! Wish me luck! :/

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