Monday 20 June 2016

New Date!

Well I have had a few hiccups in the run up to my surgery and it ended up being postponed! Long story short, my blood tests came back abnormal so they had to do more tests and also my 'splint' (like a gum shield thing they use to align your teeth whilst in surgery) didn't fit so i had to have that redone! 

However now all that has been sorted my surgery has been re-booked for the 27th June, which is this time next week!!!

I have my last appointment with my surgeon tomorrow morning which is to go over everything before hand and then I am booked into hospital at 11am on Monday 27th June! My surgery is in the afternoon. 

Its been a long process but I will be so glad when it is out of the way and I can stop worrying about it! I have ordered some protein powder and some protein shakes which I am hoping will help me recover quicker if I can gain more energy! 

Everything is now ready to go, so I will update again as soon as I feel up to it after my surgery! Wish me luck! :/ 

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