Monday 4 July 2016

1 Week Since Surgery!!!

Its been a week today!! Cant believe it to be honest! Its gone so quickly, wish i had known this time last week that it would be this easy to recover! Would have saved a lot of worrying!

So today i was taken to Bridport by my second mummy Jean (my friends mum) she took me to her house and i helped her look after her 20 month old granddaughter which was really fun. Just chilled and watched disney films! Also saw my good friend Lauren for the first time since the surgery which was lovely!

For breakfast i had some porridge then i had some cheese and salad cream sandwiches for lunch along with a yogurt and i think my mum is doing bacon, sausages and baked beans for tea! I am then driving over to my boyfriends tonight after a committee meeting to stay over, he is taking me to my first hospital oppointment since the surgery tomorrow. Hopefully i will get the plasters off my face!

Pain info:

Pain 1/10
Comfort/Swelling 2/10
Tiredness 1/10

Also took some photos today:

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