Friday 1 July 2016

Day 4 post opp

Im up to date! The date is now Friday 1st July which is 4 days post opp!

Im feeling great today! Energy wise i feel back to normal! I woke up at about 8:30 and had another bath which was nice. I then had some ready brek for breakfast and topped up on my medication. I then went on a long dog walk with my grandparents! Must have walked a mile and i felt fine! Was lovely and sunny and it was great to get out!

For lunch we went to my grandmas and i had 2 hot dogs in soft rolls!! Then i came home and had some chocolate ice cream! I watched tv for a bit and then my grandma took me up town to get some fruit, i popped into my work and said hello and i also saw my auntie which was lovely.

I came home and went for a drive in my car for the first time since surgery, i took my dad with me just in case! I felt normal! Apart from my fat face i was the same as i was before the surgery.

I can honestly say so far this experience has been 10 times easier than when i had my wisdom teeth out! I have very little pain and eating is not as hard as i expected it to be! I can open my jaw wide enough to fit 2 fingers!!

Todays pain etc:

Pain 1/10
Comfort/swelling 3/10
Tiredness 1/10

Not sure why im finding this so easy but i wish id known before hand so i could stop worrying about it! The worst part of my experience has been waiting for the surgery day! Everything after has been minor is comparison! So if your panicking about having this surgery, dont! Its not as bad as you think it will be!

For tea tonight i had these weird chicken dogs, chips and cheesy beans and then some ice cream! Again i didnt drink my protein shakes! I dont feel like i need them because im managing normal food fairly well!

Well thats it! Im up to date! I hope you are finding my blog helpful! :)

Todays pick:

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